To Our Customers –
Thank you for your continued support during this challenging time. Our top priority continues to be the health and well-being of our staff and the customers we serve. With that in mind we wanted to let you know the precautionary steps we are taking to ensure your safety while visiting our store.
Swirls Frozen Yogurt has always prided itself on exceptional food safety and store cleanliness. In response to the threat of COVID-19 we are taking additional precautionary steps to keep you safe:
Increasing the frequency of cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting high-touch surfaces in the store such as doors, door handles, machine handles and counters.
Requesting all customers use hand sanitizer and the provided gloves upon entering the store to swirl their yogurt. We kindly ask parents to swirl for your young children.
Removing the self-service spoons for toppings, which will now be served to you by our staff.
Educating our team members on preventative measures as provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), implementing increased hand washing procedures and requiring staff members who do not feel well to stay at home.
Closely monitoring the situation and following guidance from the CDC to do all we can to protect our guests and staff members and to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Although in-store dining is not currently allowed, we welcome you to come into the store to swirl your own creation to go, or choose one of the pre-made treats from our Grab & Go cooler. If you prefer not to enter the store, we would be happy to assist you with the purchase of our pre-packed treats which we can then bring to you at the door. (Just call us at 720-583-0356)
We appreciate your support of our family owned & operated business. It is a pleasure to serve you.
Matt & Amy Peppin